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2013 NCTS workshop on novel quantum phenomena in mesoscopic and spin systems

公告類型: 一般公告
點閱次數: 785
Recently, there has been growing interest in novel quantum effects on in low-dimensional mesoscopic/condensed matter systems. In particular, layered materials with strong spin-orbit couplings show non-trivial topological surface (or edge) states with Dirac-dispersed excitations, known as topological insulators. Investigating and searching for new topological insulators as well as the exotic charge-neutral Majorana fermions predicted in topological superconductors has caught much attention lately. Meanwhile, quantum transport at low-dimensional nano-scales shows many interesting novel phenomena, such as: Luttinger physics in 1-dimensional dissipative nanowires, phase-slip in Josephson junction arrays, 2-channel Kondo effect in magnetically doped graphene and in quantum dots, exotic spin and charge transport in the helical edge states of 2D topological insulators/ quantum spin Hall insulators.
Understanding the above new physics has great importance not only in the fundamental research but also in technological applications in making new electronic devices.

In this workshop, we bring domestic and international experts together to discuss recent progress in the above topics. The goals are to encourage collaborations among the experts, and to introduce this exciting new research field to students and young researchers participating in this workshop.

International speakers:
Prof. James Eisenstein (Caltec, USA) (*)
Prof. Pascal Simon (University Paris Sud, Orsay, France)
Prof. Yuval Oreg (Weizmann Institute, Israel) (*)
Prof. Tami Pereg-Barnea (McGill Univ., Canada)
Prof. Masatoshi Sato (Nagoya Univ.,Japan)
Prof. Tai-Kai Ng (HKUST, Hong Kong) (*)

Domestic speakers :
Prof. Raynien Kwo (NTHU)
Prof. Miguel Cazalilla (NTHU)
Prof. Baruch Rosenstein (NCTU)
Prof. Jeng-Chung Chen (NTHU)
Prof. Wei-Feng Tsai (NSYSU)
...and more...

Local Organizers:
Prof. Chung-Hou Chung 仲崇厚 (NCTU)
Prof. Chon-Saar Chu 朱仲夏(NCTU)
Prof. Ming-Chiang Chung 張明強 (NCHU)

Supported by NCTS (理論科學研究中心) and NCTU

(*) to be confirmed

原始網站: https://nano.nchc.org.tw/index.php?apps=activity&mod=welcome&action=show&gid=77
發布日期: 2013/12/10
發布人員: 王芊樺